Smart River HEalth Assessment

Identifying river health through a SMART analysis and citizens information

Looking for :

Sustainable use and management of water resources;

Knowing more our ecosystems will help on the prevention of environmentally damaging actions

Mission of the project

This project aims at improving the way "the river health" can be estimated by using not only physiological information but also remote sensing and citizens observations. The key contribution is to have a methodology that can provide the characteristics of the river freshwater conditions but also to be able to do it in a more dynamic manner. Here we use the concept of SMART indicators (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound)

Step 1

Characterize hydrology and ecosystems (from static and historical variables)

Step 2

Characterize and translate information from remote sensing into information for river health indication

Step 3

Apply the smart framework and define physical (i.e. groundwater) and dynamic social factors

Step 4

Build a platform to present the analysis of the pilot site.

River system: North East Chalkidiki rivers system, Greece

This project is motivated by the experience and current work done in various studies:

IHE Delft PhD researcher supports citizen science on river biodiversity in Mexico | IHE Delft Institute for Water

Education (

Enya Enriquez (

Find here the data we collected from citizens

Epicollect5 - Vigilando los RIOS Costa Sur Jalisco




River Health study


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